Yaron Shidlo, Yitzhaki & Co.
Law Firm
Yaron Shidlo, Yitzhaki & Co.
Law Firm
Provision of skillful analyses and consultation in respect of indirect taxation, e.g. purchase tax, VAT, customs, excise tax, etc.
Provision of expert services to returning residents, including tax exemption and rights
Sophisticated tax consultation, preparation and submission of tax returns, consultation regarding entitlement and eligibility; initiating liaison with relevant tax authorities
Resolution of complex real estate taxation issues including betterment tax, purchase tax, tax exemptions, tax deductions and tax deferral
Provision of experienced professional representation in relevant court(s) of law
Provision of expert consultation regarding tax liability, tax settlement and tax returns
Initiation and implementation of operational insight regarding effective, optimal tax planning in accordance with relevant provisions of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance